Health and Safety Procedures » Safer Access

Safer Access

March 5, 2024 


Dear Families,


This is to inform you our school has been outfitted with the latest technology to allow the front door to be unlocked remotely using a buzzer entry system. This will begin March 5, 2024.  The buzzer entry system allows visitors to be identified before they are granted access to enter the building. Proof of Identification is still required by all visitors.


The primary objective of the Safer Access system is to ensure that all doors remain locked outside of the morning-entry and afternoon-dismissal periods.


When school doors are locked visitors wishing to gain access to the building:

  • will ring the intercom at the main entrance door and identify themselves.
  • You will be asked to face the camera and identify yourself before access is granted into the school building.
  • You will then be buzzed into the school where you will continue to sign in and show ID


Safer Access allows our dedicated staff assigned to the main desk (School Safety Agents and/or school staff) to be able to see and speak with visitors before granting them access inside.