School Life » K-Kids


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Young Leaders Helping Others


K-Kids, the children's branch of the Kiwanis International Club, is a unique way to provide our children with an opportunity to work together for the school and community, while encouraging loyalty. It also helps to develop leadership potential and foster the development of strong moral character.


Along with Advisor Pam Allison, our 4th and 5th grade student members have engaged with the community through various acts of service. They had a walk-a-thon to support Breast Cancer Awareness, collected for Toys For Tots, raised money at the holiday boutique and sold "Kiss Grams" for Valentine's Day. Proceeds from these events were donated to worthy charities.


Through K-Kids, our students develop self-esteem, leadership skills, morals and standards, along with respect for others. Members learn that their opinions and ideas count and that they can be productive members of society. They learn to work as a group yet be strong individually.